History of Mathematics 11

Grade Level
British Columbia

History of Math 11 Course Overview

History of Math 11 Course Overview

Unit 1 - Ancient Mathematics 10,000 to 2,000 BCE

Lesson 1: The Mathematics Needed for this Course

Lesson 2: The Megalithic Structures and their Mathematics

Lesson 3: Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramids

Lesson 4: Megalithic Monuments in Other Parts of the World and Calendars

Unit 1 Project

Unit 2 - Classical Mathematics 2,000 BCE to 350 CE

Lesson 1: Introduction, the Mathematics Needed for this Section

Lesson 2: Thales, Pythagoras, Zeno, Socrates, Meton, Plato, Eudoxus, Aristotle

Lesson 3: Euclid, Conan, Archimedes, Antikythera Mechanism

Lesson 4: Eratosthenes, Apollonius, Hipparchus, Poseidonius, Ptolemy Heron Dophantus, Pappus, Hypatia, Tsai Lun, Liu Hui, Sumeria, Egypt and India

Unit 2 Project

Unit 3 - Medieval Mathematics 400 CE to 1250 CE


Lesson 1: Introduction to the Unit. Brahnagupta, Al-Khwarizmi

Lesson 2: Albategnius, Omar Khayyam, Adelard of Bath, Neckam, Gerard of Cremonia

Lesson 3: Fibonacci

Unit 3 Project

Unit 4 - Renaissance Mathematics 1400 CE to 1761 CE


Lesson 1:Introduction, Peurbach, Regiomontuanus

Lesson 2: Leonard Da Vinci, Copernicus

Lesson 3: Tartaglia, Cardano, Mercator, Vieta, Tycho Brahe

Lesson 4: Stevinus, Napier, Briggs, Galileo, Kepler

Lesson 5: Oughtred, Mersenne, Descartes, Fermat, Snell

Lesson 6: Wallis, Picard, Pascal, Gregory)

Lesson 7: Newton, Harrison, Bayes, Leibniz, Bernoullis

Unit 4 Project

Unit 5 - Early Modern Mathematics 1700 CE to 1899 CE


Lesson 1: Euler

Lesson 2: Lambert, LaGrange, Laplace , Fourier

Lesson 3: Gauss, Bolyai, Lobachevski, Abel, Galois, Cauchy

Lesson 4: Poisson, Mobius, Babbage, Ada Byron Lovelace, Boole, Hamilton

Lesson 5: Riemann, Dedekind, Lindemann, Cantor, Hermite

Lesson 6: Poincare, Peano, Hilbert, Weierstrass

Unit 5 Project

Unit 6 - Modern Period of Mathematics. 1900 CE to 2021


Lesson 1: Introduction, Whitehead, Russell Hardy, Littlewood, Einstein, Ramanujan

Lesson 2: Fuller, Godel, von Neumann

Lesson 3: Hopper, Turing, Mandelbrot

Lesson 4: Nash, Conway, Escher

Lesson 5: Wiles, Benford, Newcomb, Wolfram, Nightingale, Dodgson, Penrose, Kovalevskaya, Noether), Mirzakhani, RSA Cryptography and the Four-Colour Map Problem

Unit 6 Project